Thoughts, inspirations, innovations, aspirations, et al in an attempt to Lasso The Future. I have ideas that I wish to share with others, and with luck, may even be able to start a business whereby I can help more people. Additionally, this blog will be a place in which our family can stay in touch with our relatives
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
This Boy's Life - Family & Parenting - Your Life - MSN Lifestyle
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Amazon Prime Service
HTC EVO View 4G™
Hot Tablets for the Holidays
Why we do not put metal in a microwave oven...
Keepers of the Internet face their greatest challenges ever -
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The future of war: Far-out battle tech -
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Driving drowsy as dangerous as driving drunk, studies show – - Blogs
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Feed America's hungry (and their pets), says nonprofit group -
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Scientist creates lifelike cells out of metal | MNN - Mother Nature Network
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Boy badly burned while trying to build fire for marshmallows
FLDS exodus prompts call for 'foster homes'
3-year-old girl dies after brother shoots BB gun
Mormons told to reference church by formal name
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Police arrest two suspected of stealing Christmas presents; another at large
Court ruling declares a fetus a minor child in wrongful death lawsuits
Jesus' Birthday 22Dec2011
I was able to give Colleen her lump of coal (coal shaped bubble gum), and I was able to locate the life savers story books to give to the boys. After this, as I was tuckered out and needed more sleep, we all went to bed. All in all, it was a good day, but we all were very tired as we didn't get much sleep the night before.
On a side note, I was able to plant the Happy Holiday's beans that I got for Colleen. Can't wait for it to come up, as the message will be displayed on the sides of the bean as it moves up the plant's stalk. The boys were too excited to participate in the ritual, but I did it anyway. Now all I need is a couple of more plants to plant the Good Luck and Hope beans.
I have pictures, but these will have to wait until I can get them uploaded to the computer so that I can post them here in this blog.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
NPR : Calls for more Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse
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This story brings up an interesting point, making more laws will not solve the problem (as results in 18 states are mixed). Also, someone has to pay for the investigations, which will mean more taxes and even false reports will cause undue harm to the families investigated. The simple act of reporting someone for possible child abuse or pedophilia, even if proven false, is enough to ruins someones life. There are documented cases of people that were good teachers that were let go simply because of a report of possible activity, even though the investigation proved the allegation to be false. The stigma still hurts people. What we need is for people to quit being apathetic when they see this type of activity and to actually do something about it. We do not need the laws to do this, we need to educate people on how to properly detect this and then how to report it. If this is done, we should get better results. However, this too will cost money, but it is an excellent niche market for someone to start up a nonprofit business to educate and assist people in this area.
2011 Crossroads Youth Service Christmas Party
Last night we had the annual Christmas party for Crossroads Youth Services, the proctor agency that we are currently using to help us in assisting children in states care. The party was held at:
Trafalga Fun Center
View Larger Map
We all had fun here and we all won prizes. Additionally, Jesus and Juan received presents from Crossroads and received some additional shirts and stocking hats. We all ate pizza, which surprisingly was pretty good. we received a lot of help and gifts to wrap up for the boys, so we will have more stuff to put under the tree for Christmas Day, provided neither boy tries to sneak in and get these. At the moment, Jesus is trying to cajole these out of us. He hasn't succeeded yet, but he is trying. Before leaving Trafalga we let the boys play some of the games there, and each of them won enough tickets to get some prizes. Unfortunately, they were getting tired and they were getting cranky by the time we left, especially Jesus. I swear that boy doesn't think before he speaks, and when he is mad, his choice of words leaves much to be desired. In any case, they were having fun here, but I think in the future I would want them to come earlier in the day so that they are a bit more rested.
After leaving Trafalga we drove down to South Jordan to pick up Jason, our grandson, to bring him back home. He went with his Dad for a Xmas activity with his grandmother (I believe). From here we returned home and put the kids to bed. I made some popcorn and started to watch the Polar Express, but was too tired myself, so after 20 minutes I went to bed.
All in all, it was a nice end to the day. As soon as I get the pictures off of my phone, which is being problematic at the moment, I will go ahead and get the pictures put in this blog or in the Flickr photostream. Until then, have a Happy Holiday!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
SPARK - Mentoring kids to help them stay in school and see how education is applied
Just like adults, kids are always asking what is in it for them? Why is this important? If you can provide the kids with the actual application of the knowledge, then you make the learning personal and it can get them involved.
K-12 Going Virtual - & is available in Utah
Technology as an aide to learning
Technology, by itself, doesn't make for better education, old fashion teaching does.
QR-Code Generator
This is a great utility for creating QR Codes, whether it be for a URL, text, SMS, or other information.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Education World: Christmas Around the World Lessons and Activities
This is a good website for lesson plans regarding the holidays.
Phone shopping for nationwide coverage
Click here to view plan. This is in my Google Docs and is viewable online, it is in pdf format.
Found a free Whiteboard tool for collaboration
Sunday, December 18, 2011
108th Anniversary of Wright Brothers 1st flight
For the cost, this looks like a good phone. I would love the new Galaxy phone, but that is twice the cost of this one, but otherwise this looks like a good deal. Of course, the 3D model would be great, but like the Galaxy, it is double the cost. I will have to wait and see if I can get the 3D phone later as HD is moving into the 3D range, and the dual 5 MP cameras are nice, at least from all the reviews that I can find.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Eclipse - more Christmas Songs
Click here to view more postings on their YouTube account.
Eclipse Concert @ The Grande Theatre
To learn more about this group visit
Bountiful Baskets - to pick up fruit/vegetables
To learn more about Bountiful Baskets, please visit This is a volunteer coop and it can really help stretch your money when getting food, but you need to volunteer and this is an area that most people have a problem with, or so it seems. The more hands you have the faster things move. We have been using it for awhile and I strongly encourage others to use it, as it is a great way to stretch those food dollars and it helps our local farmers to boot.
Drawing of Thumper by Jesus and Thumper
Water Cycle by Juan - December 2011
Art pieces from Juan - December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Class A CDL Drivers Job in Salt Lake City 84170, Utah US
Science Projects You Can Do With Your Kids
The above website has a lot of good information to instill an appreciation of science with your kids. It is also good in helping parents build that bond with them as well. It is also inexpensive, which is helpful in these times and economy.
Spiritualism and Love Music
<iframe width="350" height="267" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Juan's Dental Visit
Shortbread Cookies kids can help make
Parenting Tips & Tricks for Christmas No. #1 – Cookies with Love
- 6oz (150g) plain flour
- 4oz (100g) unsalted butter
- 2oz (50g) caster sugar
- Chocolate chips 2oz (50g)
- Coconut 2oz (50g)
- Raisins 2oz (50g)
- Chopped nuts 2oz (50g)
- Sugar strands 1oz (25g)
- Cocoa powder 1oz (25g)
- Peanut butter 1 tablespoon
- Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
- Sweeties (press into cookies before baking)
- Almond essence (add a few drops & stick whole almond on top before baking)
- Fork to press cookies
- Bowl to mix
- 2 x baking sheets, lined with greaseproof paper
- Cooling rack
- Fingers for mixing
- Set the oven 170 C/325 F.
- Put all of the main ingredients (flour, butter, sugar) into the bowl and mix, rubbing between your thumbs and fingertips to blend.
- **Add the additional flavours (if using) now.
- When mix looks a bit like breadcrumbs, squeeze together to make a ball of dough.
- Divide the ball into two (one for each large baking tray) and then pinch off smaller balls of dough and roll them into the size of a ping pong ball.
- Place the balls onto the baking sheet, leaving room for them to spread and press down each one with the back of a fork (about 5mm high).
- Bake for 15-20 mins (I do it for 17 mins) and then remove from oven, leave for 10 mins and then transfer to a rack to cool.
- Flour the surface you are working on
- Place the ball of dough on surface
- Roll out using rolling pin (about 5mm thick)
- Use cutters to make shapes
- Reform the dough into a ball and repeat
- Mix 3 tablespoons of sieved icing (powdered) sugar with 3 teaspoons of water and mix to a smooth paste.
- If adding colour, use a cocktail stick and apply a little at a time mixing thoroughly.
- Apply icing mix to cooked and cooled cookies and allow mix to spread over cookie.
- Add sprinkles (optional) and allow to set before eating.
Dealing With Stress In Children
Events that could cause stress in children:
- Death of a loved one
- Divorce
- Illness or hospitalization
- Moving/vacations
- Bullying from other children
- New baby
- Parent losing job
- New child care arrangements
- Fighting with peers or siblings.
- Change in normal behavior
- Mood swings
- Temper tantrums
- More aggressive
- Clinging behaviors to people or objects
- Withdrawal
- Appetite changes
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Wetting or soiling
- Stomachaches or headaches
- Normal routines
- Favorite rituals
- A peaceful environment
- Ample time with calm and loving reassuring adults
- Verbal assurance that they will be okay
- Physical hugs and snuggling
- Security blanket or "lovey."
- Physical touch
- Clay or play dough
- Drawing or painting
- Soothing music
- Water play
- Talking to someone who cares
- Time with pets
- Familiar foods at meal times
- Children's literature, familiar stories and books
- Physical activity with few rules or structure. Running, chasing.
When do I keep my child home from school?
First and foremost, get them vaccinated! In addition to getting vaccinated, including washing your hands often; covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough; avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth; and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
Always keep your child home if...
- Runny nose: Thick or constant nasal drainage and if the drainage is not clear.
- Fever: Temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher for infants 6 months or younger and 101 degrees F for all other children. A child should be fever-free for 24 hours (without medicine) before returning to school.
- Bad Cough/Cold Symptoms: Coughing spreads infection; a cough that keeps your child up at night means he'll be tired the next day.
- Diarrhea or Vomiting: Keep child home for 24 hours after the last episode.
- Sore Throat/Mouth Sores: Minor sore throats are usually not a problem, but keep your child home if it is severe and possible contact a doctor.
- Earache: The child should see a doctor.
- Infected Eyes: Exclusion of 24 hours after treatment from doctor.
- Rash: A rash that is spreading. Check with your doctor to determine whether the rash is contagious before sending your child to school.