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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cultivating what gives you joy

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - Goethe
The easiest way to identify what our heart wants is to examine the feelings that surface when we relate to that subject. Do you find solace when picking up your journal to write a daily reflection? Does time spent with your family thrill you to tears? What feelings arise when you chase down the things that make your heart flutter? True happiness comes when we routinely engage in positive activities that we love. Take a look at your life as a whole. Pursue the things that make you feel alive and fill you with joy and healthy balance.

My thoughts on this is that it is true. I find that when I put my thoughts down on paper, not necessarily to share with others (though I sometimes do), I find a release that feels a bit like liberation. Instead of holding my feelings and thoughts inside, I can let them out in a nondestructive and constructive way. The best part is, I can review these at a later time and reflect on changes that have occurred since I originally wrote them down. Of course, with today's technology, we can now do this in video and audio files, or PowerPoint presentations, or any other format. Reminds me of the Captain's Log on Star Trek, but more flexible. Keeping a diary gives us the power to explore ourselves and our feelings, ideals, thoughts, and even our imaginings. Who knows, you may find inspiration to write a book in the future from these deliberations. In any case, I hope the best for you. Now if I can just get my boys and wife to do this... (thoughts are always appreciated).


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