Thoughts, inspirations, innovations, aspirations, et al in an attempt to Lasso The Future. I have ideas that I wish to share with others, and with luck, may even be able to start a business whereby I can help more people. Additionally, this blog will be a place in which our family can stay in touch with our relatives
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Returning to the Road after 1st Home Stay
I do miss my family when I am on the road, and I would enjoy being home every night to every other night, but I must put in my time first, before I get a lot more opportunities than that which I have now. It has been almost six months since I changed vocations and started driving a truck, but I have to wait two years before a lot more opportunities open up for me, like becoming an owner operator. With my business administration background, I believe I can manage my own business and after two years of experience I should be able to master the shipping part of the business and trip planning. I still want to learn to be a truck broker, and maybe an operations manager (if this later will help me to eventually managing an agribusiness venture).
I have the truck straightened up and ready to go, so that part will be nice. When I become an owner operator I will be able to bring my boys and my dogs along with me on trips, but until then I will just have to settle for the small stuff. I still have to wait for the adoption process to be completed before Juan will be able to ride with me while on the road. I think he will have fun when we get to do this and I can't wait for this to happen. Of course, I better make sure he brings his video games and extra movies to keep him busy as there will be boring parts for him.
I have new stuff in the cab from everyone in the family, and I will post pictures of these at a later time.
Until I have another chance, hope everyone is doing well.
Keep on Truckin'
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Abundance: The Global Warming Question - Forbes
Worth reading. Only goes to show that necessity can lead to innovation and innovation by individual citizens, not just governments and businesses.
FusionPharm completes first produce sales from PharmPod Unit - MarketWatch
Want to look into this further to see if their vertical farm setup will work for the small farmer.
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Science : Off season musk, water melon production a possibility: NAU
Need to learn more about this, as this may be a prelude to being able to grow year round.
Urban Hydroponic Vertical Farming: Dr. Dave Williams and Dr. Steven Dreyer Join EnviroIngenuity
Food for thought. I want to start my own farm, but I would like to do work on vertical farming where you can increase your productivity without having to take away land from natures creatures that are also living there. Additionally, we need to seriously look at building vertical living structures that are more beneficial to society as a whole. These structures wouldn't just be living spaces, but entire socioeconomic and environmental ecosystems, with a lot of interconnected services and spaces.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
overview - VN 780 : Volvo Trucks
This may be the truck for me, with the D16 engine in it, for when I become and owner operator. Still researching Kenworth trucks too.
Introducing the Super Huge, Super Fuel Efficient . . . Semi Trailer Truck? : TreeHugger
If this ever came to fruition, it would be a great boon for drivers like me.
Find Available Truck freight Manti, Utah (UT) with Freight Loadboard
This appears to be a good trucking brokering site where I can find loads to haul. I just need to become an owner operator to take advantage of this. It would be a great addition to working for Schneider National as an owner-operator. It does appear that I may need to get a flat bed trailer, a reefer and a dry van trailer to use. As a result of this, I will need to be sure I get some land where I can not only store these trailers, but also be able to park securely when I am home.
Ephraim, Utah (UT 84627) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders
Ephraim appears to have a higher latin population, but unemployment rate is higher. The cost of living is lower than Salt Lake county, so that is a plus. I wonder what it would cost to get a small farm for our family to move onto and to survive? This or Manti, Utah appears to be a good choice. It is a good thing that Snow College is right there, as this will allow some growth with respect to education.
Manti, Utah (UT 84642) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders
Here is some good statistics for Manti, Utah. It appears that Provo or Ephraim, Utah will be the location for Mental Health and Medicine Management work. However, it isn't the most diverse area in the state and unemployment is hirer here, per capita at least. However, the cost of living is lower and it is really near Ephraim, Utah which is a nice area too. Definitely something to consider. It appears to have more snow than Salt Lake county, so we may be able to harvest water in the Fall thru Spring season and use during the Summer for our vertical farming.
Botox bound for headache relief - Aurora Sentinel: News
Although my migraines have decreased since I had heart surgery in 2008, I wonder if the botox would help with the tension headaches that turn into the occasional migraine headaches? Hmm, food for thought. It is simply amazing how one organism can be used to help another. I wonder if there are any additional beneficial critters out there in our world, just waiting to be found?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
KenworthTrucks, Ustream.TV: KenworthTrucks.
Click on the below link to learn more about this truck.
KenworthTrucks, Ustream.TV: KenworthTrucks.
Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
Reactive attachment disorder is a problem with social interaction that occurs when a child's basic physical and emotional needs are neglected, particularly when the child is an infant.Causes
Reactive attachment disorder is caused by abuse or neglect of an infant's needs for:- Emotional bonds with a primary or secondary caretaker
- Food
- Physical safety
- Touching
- Caregiver is mentally retarded
- Caregiver lacks parenting skills
- Parents are isolated
- Parents are teenagers
Children who are adopted from foreign orphanages are commonly affected, particularly if they were removed from their birth parents during the first weeks of life.
Child:- Avoids caregiver
- Avoids physical contact
- Is difficult to comfort
- Does not make distinctions when socializing with strangers
- Resists social interaction
- Wants to be alone
- Disregard for child's basic emotional needs for comfort, stimulation, and affection
- Disregard for child's basic physical needs like food, toileting, and play
Exams and Tests
This disorder is diagnosed with a:- Complete history
- Physical examination
- Psychiatric evaluation
Treatment has two parts. The first priority is to make sure the child is currently in a safe environment where emotional and physical needs are met.Once that has been established, the next step is to change the relationship between the caregiver and the child, if the caregiver has caused the problem. Parenting skills classes can help with this. These skills give the caregiver the ability to meet the child's needs and help them bond with the child.
The caregiver should also have counseling to work on any current problems, such as drug abuse or family violence. Social Services should follow the family to make sure the child remains in a safe, stable environment.
Parents who adopt babies or young children from foreign orphanages should be aware that this condition may occur and be sensitive to the child's need for consistency, physical affection, and love.
These children may be frightened of people and find physical affection overwhelming at first, and parents should try not to see this as rejection. It is a normal response in someone who has been abused to avoid contact. Hugs should be offered frequently, but not forced.
A mental health evaluation should be completed. This evaluation will be helpful in developing a treatment plan.
Outlook (Prognosis)
The right intervention can improve the outcome.Possible Complications
If not treated, this condition can permanently affect the child's social interactions. It can be connected with:- Anxiety
- Depression
- Other psychological problems
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
When to Contact a Medical Professional
This disorder is usually identified when a parent (or prospective parent) is at high risk for neglect or when an adoptive parent has difficulty coping with a newly adopted child.If you have recently adopted a child from a foreign orphanage or another situation where neglect may have occurred and your child shows these symptoms, see your health care provider.
Early recognition is very important for the child. Parents who are at high risk for neglect should be taught parenting skills. The family should be followed by either a social worker or doctor to make sure the child's needs are being met.References
Milosavljevic N, Brendel RW. Child abuse and neglect. In: Stern TA, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2008:chap 8.Schechter DS. Disturbances of attachment and parental psychopathology in early childhood. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am - 01-JUL-2009; 18(3): 665-86.
Reviewed By: Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
![]() | A.D.A.M., Inc. is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's accreditation program is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M. follows rigorous standards of quality and accountability. A.D.A.M. is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online health information and services. Learn more about A.D.A.M.'s editorial policy, editorial process and privacy policy. A.D.A.M. is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and subscribes to the principles of the Health on the Net Foundation ( |
Comments by: Thumper Pruitt
Based on the actions of our son Jesus, and in knowing his past history, this appears to be an issue that my wife is dealing with concerning our son. I will be posting additional information in this blog, so that I can share information with my wife and family. I am on the road a lot, with my new job as a truck driver, and we need to get on top of this issue with Jesus so that we can proceed with the forthcoming adoption plans that we have. We love Jesus, but when only my wife is home, without a good support system in place, makes this situation difficult and trying. I am praying that we can turn this around, as we want what is best for Jesus. Of course, doing this without loosing all of our hair in the process would be nice too. If any of you has good information to share that can be helpful to us, we would love to hear from you. This is draining for my wife, and anything that can aid us in helping our new son would be gratefully accepted.
Coffee Doesn't Affect Psoriasis Risk After All, Researchers Say
By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter Copyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved. 3/23/2012 2:00:00 PM | ![]() |
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FRIDAY, March 23 (HealthDay News) -- Although earlier studies had linked coffee to an increased risk for psoriasis, a large new study finds no such evidence. Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation. Most people with psoriasis have areas of thick, red skin with flaky, silver-white patches called scales. "Our hypothesis was whether caffeine would lower the risk of psoriasis because there are hypotheses in the past that caffeine might be an anti-inflammatory," said lead author Dr. Abrar Qureshi, an assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "However, we found there was no association between coffee intake and the risk of psoriasis," he said. These findings agree with other studies that found no association between coffee and this skin condition, the researchers noted. The reason that there has been an association of psoriasis with coffee may have to do with smoking and alcohol, which are known risk factors for psoriasis, Qureshi said. In the study, those who drank the most coffee also drank the most alcohol and smoked, he said. "There have been reports that coffee increases the risk of psoriasis and that coffee helps quell psoriasis," he said. However, this study found no risk or benefit from coffee, Qureshi added. The report was published in the March issue of the Archives of Dermatology. For the study, Qureshi's team collected data on almost 83,000 women who took part in the Nurses' Health Study. In this large population, the researchers found no link between coffee or caffeine and developing psoriasis. Dr. Doris Day, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that this finding "makes perfect sense; it's what I would have suspected." The real risk factor may be smoking, she said. "Smoking is toxic to every organ system and is especially toxic to the skin." However, Day said that caffeine can be soothing to the skin and it is an ingredient in many skincare products, but it is not used for psoriasis, she said. More information For more about psoriasis, visit the National Psoriasis Foundation. Comment by: Thumper Pruitt I have been dealing with Psoriasis for the past year and I also enjoy coffee. It is nice to see that additional research has confirmed what I have always suspected, that coffee doesn't hinder nor resolve psoriasis. I believe my issue is resultant to my increased stress levels, and trying to find work. Now that I have a good job, maybe this will help. Of course, being away from home and family has its own issues and stress, but I have to take it one day at a time. At least I can chat with family over the phone, which helps a lot. Still need to change my provider from Cricket to Sprint though, as I do not have good signal everywhere I go on the interstate from Cricket. Too many dropped calls and bad connections. |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012 A Motley Fool Special Report - Retirement Savings Information
The Shocking Can't-Miss Truth About Your Retirement
We assumed the government was looking out for us...Worked hard for decades, thinking that when we retired Social Security would supplement whatever pension we might still receive and dividends from the savings we'd accumulated.
Boy, were we wrong...
I could go on and on about how evil the government is. I could write pages about how immoral it was for politicians to take loans from the Social Security trust fund to pay for expensive programs wanted by this or that interest group so that when their reelection campaign came up, funding it would be a breeze.
But frankly, my rant wouldn't be productive. What's done is done.
Of course the situation may not be quite as bad as the media would have you believe; Social Security and Medicare aren't going to disappear altogether.
According to the most recent Board of Trustees report, Medicare and Social Security's surplus funds will run out in 2024 and 2036, respectively.
After that, retirees will still receive their monthly checks and Medicare coverage -- but at a lower rate.
The same trustees predict that through 2085, Social Security will be able to pay out 75% of the benefits estimated today, and Medicare will function at about 90% when its surplus is gone.
But we both know that's little consolation when you're about to retire...
Because after all, a 25% haircut on income we assumed was ours -- income we assumed we were working to receive -- means a 25% more difficult time financially when we retire.It's true that politicians are clamoring to come up with a fix, or change the system to make it more solvent. But they've made it clear they're not the best people to trust with your retirement...
The only person you can trust to secure a wealthy retirement is YOURSELF.
I'm convinced that even if you're retiring within the next five years, there are steps you can take today to make your golden years more enjoyable.
So to help you take the reigns of your own retirement, and to make it more wealthy and enjoyable than you're expecting, we've compiled some of the most effective tips from top retirement experts, along with an exciting and unique opportunity to receive even more first-rate portfolio advice as you prepare to retire.
A Simple Tip to Boost Your Social Security Checks
The average retiree currently receives just $1,177 in Social Security benefits per month. Which works out to about $36.72 each day.After factoring in Medicare premiums, he's left with just $26.14 a day. That's less than holding down a minimum wage job full time.
It's a sobering thought...
But this number isn't set in stone. Which is important because if you're going to be receiving a pension, or have even modest savings for retirement, there's one step you can take to boost your Social Security payouts by as much as 25%.
Simply delay collecting benefits.
You may be aware that the longer you wait to collect Social Security benefits, the higher your payout will be.But you may not know that for each year you hold off on claiming Social Security, your benefit could increase by as much as 8% per year.
There are some caveats, of course: You can't delay past age 70, and the annual rate of increase depends on the year in which you were born. But here are the specifics:
Year of Birth | Yearly Rate of Increase | Monthly Rate of Increase |
1933-1934 | 5.5% | 11/24 of 1% |
1935-1936 | 6.0% | 1/2 of 1% |
1937-1938 | 6.5% | 13/24 of 1% |
1939-1940 | 7.0% | 7/12 of 1% |
1941-1942 | 7.5% | 5/8 of 1% |
1943 or later | 8.0% | 2/3 of 1% |
Note: If you were born on January 1st, you should refer to the rate of increase for the previous year. Source: U.S. Social Security Administration |
It's easier, of course, if you've got a pension coming in, a decent-sized portfolio or savings account you can draw down on, or you're planning to pick up a part-time job to stay busy.
But even if you don't want to work for a paycheck ever again, many retirement experts advise that it's actually better to live off of retirement savings for a few years and delay Social Security than to immediately claim benefits and let your savings grow.
After all, an 8% annualized gain isn't something you can guarantee in your brokerage account. But each year you delay taking your Social Security benefit, you are locking in an 8% return.
There's one exception: Dallas Morning News columnist Scott Burns summed up a recent study by the Center for Retirement Research this way, "Married women should take Social Security benefits early. Married men and single women should take Social Security benefits late."
Why is this?
Because married men earn more over their career on average, their Social Security benefit tends to be higher.
Furthermore, women tend to outlive men and widows can receive half of their spouse's Social Security payment if it is higher than their own. So if you're married, this is often a smart move you can make to benefit both you and your spouse.
If you're still not convinced Social Security will be enough...
Unfortunately, you're right. Social Security should ideally just be a portion of your retirement plan. And like I said earlier, the only person you can trust to provide a wealthy retirement is yourself.So if you're still working, it's time to become 100% laser-focused on building a rock-solid portfolio of your own -- out of reach from the government, and large enough for your own circumstances that you'll be comfortable in retirement.
I'd like to empower you to achieve this end.
3 Simple Tips for a Wealthy Retirement Without Relying on Social Security
Building a solid retirement portfolio isn't difficult. But it does require discipline.You can summarize all the experts' advice into this retirement-saving trifecta:
- Spend less than you make.
- Invest the difference.
- Manage your money with diversity in mind.
Track your monthly inflows (paychecks) and outflows (bills and other expenses) for one month using personal finance software like Quicken,, or even a spreadsheet of your own.
Is there more money coming in than is going out? If so, you're off to a good start -- but could there be more?
Go through each expense line by line to uncover unnecessary expenses, like too-frequent trips to Starbucks, or dinners at your favorite restaurant.
Do you really need over 1,000 channels from your cable provider? Do you ever send more than 50 text messages in a month, even though you've got an unlimited plan?
Eliminate extravagances, and trim necessities if possible, then for the important part...
Invest the difference
All that extra money you've now freed up can -- and should -- be invested.
Ideally, try to max out your tax-advantaged accounts like your 401(k) and IRA -- especially if your employer matches 401(k) contributions. The good news is that if you're close to retirement, you're allowed to contribute more to tax-advantaged accounts than younger folks.
Here are the IRS-instituted maximums for 2011:
401(k) Contribution Limits (under age 50): | $16,500 |
401(k) Contribution Limits (50 and over): | $22,000 |
IRA Contribution Limits (under age 50): | $5,000 |
IRA Contribution Limits (50 and over): | $6,000 |
And lastly, make sure to...
Manage your money with diversity in mind
Your portfolio should contain both stocks and bonds.John Bogle, legendary founder of The Vanguard Group and index fund advocate, advises that your age should match your bond exposure.
So if you're 20, a safe balance is to have 80% of your portfolio in stocks and 20% of your portfolio in bonds. If you're 60, a safe balance is for 40% of your portfolio to be in stocks, with the remaining 60% in bonds.
The bond side of your portfolio should be spread among U.S. Treasuries (higher safety, but lower yield), corporate bonds (lower safety, but higher yield), and everything in between.
A well-respected bond fund like Dodge & Cox Income [DODIX], Managers Fremont Bond [MBDFX], or iShares Lehman Aggregate Bond [NYSE: AGG] offers diverse exposure to the total bond market with below-average fees.
The stock side should contain a mixture of growth-oriented companies, and -- especially as you near retirement -- dividend-paying stocks.
The latter is important because:
- Dividend-paying stocks outperform non-dividend-paying stocks over the long term.
- Dividend-paying companies tend to be more conservative in their management style (less likely to take on high levels of debt, etc.).
- Even in a market downturn, a safe dividend means your investment is still earning something.
Or you could invest in a best-of-breed dividend ETF like iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend [NYSE: DVY].
Of course, though these tips are helpful advice, this merely scratches the surface on how to perfectly set up your portfolio for retirement.
I'd like to share with you a unique solution that will give you even more expert advice on 401(k)s and IRAs, annuities, wills and trusts, and all other aspects of retirement that matter to you most.
I think you'll be surprised at all the information I'd like to share with you.
Your Chance to Get Expert Retirement Advice From a Respected Certified Financial Planner
As I said, there's plenty more I'd like to share with you about preparing for retirement.But first allow me to introduce myself...
My name is Matt Argersinger. I'm the executive publisher of Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement, a retirement-planning newsletter written by Robert Brokamp, CFP®.
Before joining The Motley Fool, Robert was a financial advisor at Prudential Securities. He spent years researching proven money-building retirement strategies, the latest money-saving tax loopholes and more to help his clients make the most of their money.
Though he worked with some excellent people, he wasn't satisfied. More than anything, because he was forced to sell his clients what the company offered.
So he left Prudential and became a Fool, eventually founding our Rule Your Retirement newsletter, where he combines his love of teaching with his vast insider knowledge of retirement planning, to bring you the most up-to-date investment strategies around.
Robert is a widely respected retirement expert
Not only has he written countless articles on and in renowned publications like Newsweek, Robert Brokamp has also authored (or co-authored) 4 top-selling books and recently gave a speech at the SEC that was broadcast on CSPAN.Not to mention -- he's the in-house financial advisor for Motley Fool employees as well!
Now if you're like most Americans, your retirement planning could probably use a jumpstart...
From college loans and mortgages to raising children, many expenses have popped up making it difficult to save as much as you'd like.
But that doesn't have to stop you from getting ahead right now!
It will certainly take time, discipline, and -- most importantly -- sound education, but it is possible to get yourself on the path to a carefree retirement... today.Which is why I'd like to invite you to join Robert and become a member of his Rule Your Retirement newsletter service today.
Here's how it'll work...
Each month, you'll receive an online newsletter sharing Robert's latest insights and advice.He'll lay out exactly how easy it is to:
- Get rich buying stocks no one else wants.
- Find beaten-down stocks that pay out huge dividends.
- Slip money out of your retirement account before you turn 59 -- without paying a penalty!
- Uncover stocks that make money...even in bad times.
- And much, much more.
- A New Tip to Perfect Your Portfolio: Sometimes you'll get investment ideas, other times you'll take a look at tax-saving tips, or perhaps examine the ins and outs of wills, insurance, and annuities. Whatever the topic, you'll get everything you need to get your portfolio in order in an entertaining and understandable manner.
- An Interview With a Retirement Expert: Proprietary insight from experts such as author Burton Malkiel, investment manager Larry Swedroe, author William Bernstein, and Robert Shiller.
- An In-Depth Look at a Specific Asset Class: Interested in how an asset class (for example, large-cap stocks or international stocks) has historically performed? Or looking for some investment ideas for the small-cap portion of your portfolio? Every month we dive in to a specific asset class and tell you everything you need to know.
- Model Portfolios: This easy-to understand guide allows you to pick your investing timeframe (more than 10 years from retirement, within 10 years from retirement, or retired), then offers an elite list of mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs hand-selected to help you build a diverse portfolio. It even tells you how much you should allocate to each fund.
- Retirement Calculators: Curious how much your savings will be worth when you retire? Or wondering whether you're saving enough? Just type in your numbers into our secure online calculator and us tell you how you're doing.
- Champion Funds Quarterly: If you're like most folks, a significant chunk of your savings is invested via your company's 401(k) in mutual funds. Find out whether the funds you own are the smartest choice -- or whether your hard-earned money might be better off elsewhere.
And if you join Rule Your Retirement today, you'll also receive these fast-action bonuses:
FREE! Maximize Your Social Security -- This in-depth 10 page report details everything you need to know about figuring out your Social Security benefits, when you should take it, how it will be taxed. Plus, it reveals how family members may be able to draw a Social Security benefit based on your work record, along with how to manage a retirement plan of your own alongside Social Security.FREE! How to Rule Your Retirement Accounts -- This monumental report gives tips on how to maximize your savings, why a Roth account makes sense, how to set up retirement accounts that get taxed at different rates. It also takes a look at how much your 401(k) plan may be costing you. This is advice you simply can't afford to miss.
FREE! Stocks 2012: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead -- Crammed with 32 pages of detailed stock research, this is the latest in a long line of wildly popular and performance-packed research reports. You'll discover 12 companies that The Motley Fool's top equity analysts believe will be strong performers in 2012. Including: a popular restaurant chain with an activist investor entering the scene, one of the world's leading phosphate producers, and a cutting-edge biotech churning out barrels of oil from algae.
And right now, you can have all of these reports for free!
The bottom line, though, is that I'm confident you'll agree that our Rule Your Retirement newsletter service is the best place for objective, practical, and successful investment advice. We're not beholden to Wall Street. In fact, you can get all the proven wisdom in Rule Your Retirement for less than it would cost you to meet with an accountant for an hour.
Although we normally sell access to Robert's expert advice for just $149 a year, you can get it today for a fraction of that price.
That's right -- if you join Rule Your Retirement today through this special offer, you'll pay only $19 for a year full of expert retirement advice and tips!
And that's not all...
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Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and recommendation, I'd like to offer you the opportunity receive all the expert retirement advice Rule Your Retirement has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER.Here's how it'll work...
You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give you a COMPLETE REFUND -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Your special reports, Stocks 2012: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead, Maximize Your Social Security, and How to Rule Your Retirement Accounts... plus all the content you can access on the Rule Your Retirement members-only website: all the reports... all the advice from the past issues... all the articles full of proven investing lessons -- ALL YOURS TO KEEP, WITH MY COMPLIMENTS -- FREE!
Of course, this kind of guarantee makes it possible to snap up everything we have to offer and pay nothing.
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That's how confident I am that you'll be impressed with what we have to offer you. So let's get started...
Please remember, this is a limited-time offer. I can only guarantee you a FREE copy of Stocks 2012: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead, Maximize Your Social Security, and How to Rule Your Retirement Accounts, and an annual membership price of just $19 for Rule Your Retirement -- if you join us right now AND if you join through this special invitation.
So I urge you to start now, because there will never be a better or easier time to position yourself for explosive profits... and from a trusted source -- The Motley Fool!
Mossberg on iPad Remote-Desktop Apps - Fox Business Video - Fox Business
This is one more reason to have a tablet with you, when you are on the road/traveling. It is one more thing that you can do on a tablet that won't require you to lug around your laptop computer. For me, I need to save up the money to obtain a good iPad or tablet computer. Until then, I will still need to lug around my laptop computer, but when I have the money, to get a desktop setup at home, and to have a tablet to be able to remotely access that PC would be ideal for me. This, coupled with the increase in Cloud storage and computing is making the use of a tablet for my interface more appealing.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Just passed the driving test for Schneider National
It will be different, but I am glad that I have the ability to call home every night. I will need to switch my Cricket cell phone to Sprint so that I will be able to video conference with my family. Also, Cricket coverage is very poor in the areas that I will be driving. I lost signal once I hit Saint George, Utah and didn't get the signal back until I reached Claremont, California. Unfortunately, the signal here is very poor and I keep dropping calls, so I have been using my Skype to call home with. From my discussion with other drivers, Sprint works best for truckers as their coverage is the best for the routes that trucks drive on.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Schneider National Orientation and Training for Thumper
Expression This is my diary (Will be updated throughout training/orientation period). |
02/22(Wed) Day 3 - A Challenge |
School started at 6:00 a.m. PST today, so it was an early start. We covered paper logs then went over to the training field, worked on the simulator, observed the pretrip demonstration in the engine compartment, covered hooking up and unhooking a trailor from the tractor (power unit). Then I went over to a truck and Craig walked me through several backing up exercises. In all honesty, I like their (Schneider's) backup method better than Roadmaster's (theirs was too limited). I also learned how to double shift up and down on the simulator. The simulator would be cool to have at home. I'd be able to always practice in it and the kids would get a bang at trying their hand at it. Called Colleen and the kids and talked with her and Jesus. Juan was not feeling good and wasn't up to talking on the phone. I talked with Luna and Gidget and they definitely recognized my voice but didn't like the phone. Will have to get them a treat when I get back home. In any case, I am not feeling well. I think I will turn in and get up early in the morning to do some studying before going into the Schneiter Training Academy in Fontana, CA. Until then, hope all is going well with you ... my family. I love and miss you all very much! |
02/21(Tues) Day 2 - PreWork Check |
Today was interesting. We filled out the required paperwork for hire and did the prework physical, which we had to pass in order to drive for Schneider National as we may have to unload trailors. I passed with flying colors. We received a Company Driver manual with a lot of useful information. It is interesting how much more information is in this book than the one I used at Roadmaster Drivers School in West Valley City, Utah. After the paper work was done, we were returned to the motel, where I called and talked with the family and chatted with Gabriel Tas Djinn via iChat. It was relaxing. I took a shower and then went to bed as I was very tired as I was at Schneider National in Fontana, CA at 6:00 a.m. this morning and I came in late last night on Greyhound Bus. |
02/20(Mon) Day 1 - Departed From Utah, Arrived in Ontario, California |
I was up early this morning, having slept well. This morning reminds me of when I initially left for the US Navy 14Jan1985. I was not giddy, nor depressed, but was calm, slightly detached. I felt some excitement as this was a new adventure, but a bit saddened that I would be separated from my wife, boys and my four legged kids. I got my family up and we got ready to take me to the Greyhound Bus Terminal in Salt Lake City, Utah. There was no hurry and we drove there in the Dodge van. We arrived there at 7:45 a.m. MST, checked in (had to pay $10 for my third bag. While waiting for the bus, Jesus became a bit aggressive, but I think this was due to the fact that I was leaving. Jesus just became silent. I told the boys that I loved them, which Colleen reiterated meant something, as I am not one to bandy this about lightly. Funny thing was, I meant it. I love these boys and am glad that they will be getting adopted June 21st of this year if all things work out well for us. By 8:20 a.m. MST I kissed my wife goodbye, gave her and the boys a final hug and boarded the bus (bus #6229). This bus would take me to Las Vegas, Nevada, where I would transfer to another bus to take me to Ontario, CA. The bus ride was long, and I was able to finish two papers, half of my book and the movie Captain America. While there was plenty of room from Salt Lake City, Utah to Las Vegas, Nevada, the bus from Las Vegas to California was crowded and very uncomfortable. The big thrill was in watching a woman at the Las Vegas terminal rant and rave about how she was somebody making over $32/hour and new stars and was moaning to everyone and the Greyhound people about this and the fact that she had to wait until today to get her ticket changed to get on the bus. Due to her bothering all of the customers patiently waiting for their bus, and the fact that the ticket was not for the bus I was on, she was denied entry onto the bus. She eventually just threw the ticket at the security guy and stormed off out of the terminal. There are times that I wish I had her alleged problem of having a job paying me $32/hour - that would make life so much easier. Oh well, I think I will enjoy driving trucks, as I can still stay in touch with my family and I can do some studying to boot. I just need to get used to the truck and the driving. So much to learn, but it is a start of another adventure. I was able to call Colleen and Mom to let them know that I had arrived safely. Arrived late, but safe and sound. |
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Friday, February 17, 2012
Mardi Gras Alligator King Adult Costume | Mens Mascot Halloween Costumes
Mardi Gras Alligator King Adult Costume | Mens Mascot Halloween Costumes
Cascadia Truck Style - Freightliner Trucks - Freightliner Trucks
Cascadia Truck Style - Freightliner Trucks - Freightliner Trucks
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Cultivating what gives you joy
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - GoetheThe easiest way to identify what our heart wants is to examine the feelings that surface when we relate to that subject. Do you find solace when picking up your journal to write a daily reflection? Does time spent with your family thrill you to tears? What feelings arise when you chase down the things that make your heart flutter? True happiness comes when we routinely engage in positive activities that we love. Take a look at your life as a whole. Pursue the things that make you feel alive and fill you with joy and healthy balance.
My thoughts on this is that it is true. I find that when I put my thoughts down on paper, not necessarily to share with others (though I sometimes do), I find a release that feels a bit like liberation. Instead of holding my feelings and thoughts inside, I can let them out in a nondestructive and constructive way. The best part is, I can review these at a later time and reflect on changes that have occurred since I originally wrote them down. Of course, with today's technology, we can now do this in video and audio files, or PowerPoint presentations, or any other format. Reminds me of the Captain's Log on Star Trek, but more flexible. Keeping a diary gives us the power to explore ourselves and our feelings, ideals, thoughts, and even our imaginings. Who knows, you may find inspiration to write a book in the future from these deliberations. In any case, I hope the best for you. Now if I can just get my boys and wife to do this... (thoughts are always appreciated).
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Long Term Effects from Sleep Apnea
Update from 08 February 2012. Another week to go and then I will have enough data from my CPAP machine to pass my DOT physical for Schneider National. Once done, I will be able to get another sleep study done to acertain the current status of my sleep apnea. I tried to locate old records of this, but to no avail. Good thing I have a machine issued by the VA (Veterans Administration), and that it has a memory card that can be read by Concentra Medical (the people doing my DOT physical). On a side note, I just got my CDL Class A with all of the endorsements on it. I aced the hazardous materials test, which isn't too surprising as this was a field I used to work in when I was in the military (I managed this program and was an inspector to boot).
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Utah adopts online textbooks
Monday, January 30, 2012
DC 12-Volt Power Cord for Respironics, Cigarette Lighter
This is the DC shielded cord that I need for my Remstar Auto M-Series with A-flex CPAP unit (model 1051158). I need to have this for use in my truck. I also need to do a follow up for sleep apnea too. I've called my doctor's office to get a copy of my sleep study, etc so that I can provide this to Schneider National, for my DOT physical. I will have to wait to get my unemployment insurance before I can buy this cord, but it is good to be able to get one.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A Cool Site for Sharing your Music Tracks
SoundCloud: The Tour from SoundCloud on Vimeo.